Implementation of a web-based platform for structured documentation of languages in the mobile age (WG 2)
Project content
The curation project “Implementation of a web-based platform for structured documentation of languages in the mobile age” was accepted in May 2012. Responsibility for the implementation lay with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke and Dr. Peter Franke (both based at Marburg University).
In the frame of this curation project, the Language Index, which already exists as a component of the Virtual Linguistics Campus (VLC), was extended to become a stand-alone environment for research on and documentation of the world’s languages. In this environment, an international research community cooperated in order to collect, edit, annotate and publish spoken language data for linguistic research and teaching. The plan was to turn the Language Index into a stand-alone platform, accessible through its own, distinctive web address, with developers working to ensure maximum compatibility with the CLARIN infrastructure and vision. All metadata were made available in Component MetaData Infrastructure (CMDI) format through the World Wide Web and independent from the Language Index platform.
01.08.2012 – 31.01.2013
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Marburg
Responsible Institution
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Marburg
Executive Staff
Dr. Peter Franke, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Marburg
Research assistant for three months: N.N.
Language Index (domain parked for the platform)